Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, writing, etc.)

i don't do that type of art. for some reason, i don't really enjoy it. so i decided to post a different type of art. i wouldn't call it a poem, but I guess it is just that.

'I often wonder if this town misses you as hard as I do. If the street lights blink out because they do not want to be seen weeping. How many cows moo miserably without you? And is it anything compared to how miserably I moo? Why won't the bowling alley close your lane? How dare johnny249 knock you out of #1 in PacMan at Stop & Shop. (I've spent over $50 and I still can't win you your spot back.)

I know, I know. There's that new kid and he'd be awesome for me. And he does have your smile. If only he wasn't always biting it into submission. You always let it commandeer your face. A walking business card for your dentist. That new kid could really take lessons from you. Like how to kiss in different languages. French, Italian, German. I remember once you were kissing me in Spanish and I was kissing you in English and somehow, in crazy Spanglish, we got to third base.

I miss you. I've gotta ask: when's it alright to be over you? And when that day finally comes, please tell me I'll start rating on a scale of 1-10 and stop rating 1-You. It's unfair.'

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