(1) List 16 celebrities you would have sex with without even asking questions.
(2) Put all of them in order of your lust for them.
(I started doing it in order but stopped and just put them as they popped into my head)
(3) Say which movie/show/thing it was that hooked you.
(4) Supply photos.

1. William Beckett.
Because, seriously, how could I not?

(Don't you love how wide he can open his mouth?)

When I first discovered TAI, I didn't quite like Bill's looks. To be honest, I found him too girly, and I've always been one for tough-looking men, so I didn't like him much. I loved his music, though, so I kept on obsessing with TAI, no matter how I felt about William.
Then I heard Attention (It wasn't the first time I'd heard it, but I just clicked), and his voice had some kind of effect in me, because I started obsessing over him more than over the band, Then I listened to The Phrase That Pays, and the line where he sings "Am I gonna die?" just made me fall for him.
I had a dream about him that night, and I've loved him ever since. Would I have sex with him? YES, PLEASE.

2. Gabe Saporta

I love William, William loves Gabe, I love Gabe. That's how it works.
Actually, I've lusted over Gabe ever since I heard Guilty Pleasure. I fell madly in love with him right after that,and through him I discovered William. Plus, the three of us were born on the 11th of some month, try and tell me we are not meant to be?

3. Ed Westwick

I remember the first time I saw him. It was August, I think, and it was the day the teaser for the episode one of GG came out. I remember he was in a bus and said "There's something wrong about that level of perfection, it needs to be violated". I new nothing about Gossip Girl at that time, but I totally loved the character, and I couldn't wait for the serie to air. Then I saw other previews, and Chuck was already my fav character.
The day it was aired here, I went to have dinner w/ my mom, so I missed it. I called my bff and asked her about this character, because she has a different cable company and has different schedules. So I was like "Is he there yet? Has he appeared? How is he?" and she kept telling me how ugly he was, and how he was an ass and no one liked him.
I waited for the repetition until three AM I think, and then I saw it. It was love at first sight.
Next day at school, (I was in my sophomore year), I was like "Did you see how hot Chuck was?" and everyone looked at me as though I was talking nonsense and told me Chuck was pretty much disgusting.
I've been pretty obsessed over him ever since. I started listening to The Filthy Youth, and basically Ed became the love of my life. It bugs me now that everybody likes him, because I'm a jealous person and I'm possesive as hell and they all used to hate him and HE IS MINE.

4. Tom Felton.

Draco Malfoy, anyone? How could you not love him? I rdk how I started reading HP/DM slash, but I did a few years ago, and it resulted on my inconditional love towards Draco Malfoy, hence my love for Tom Felton. And whoever dares telling me Draco isn't the most complex interesting character in the HP books, can kiss my filthy ass.

5. Daniel Radcliffe

I started reading Harry Potter when I was seven. I met Daniel on my fifth year of elementary, when he was casted for the first movie. I liked him. Harry Potter was my hero, I was 10 and this boy was cute and had blue eyes. He hooked me. It all started then. To this date, and no matter all he's ever done that might have upset me (fucking on a horse and dating a drag queen), I still love him as much as the very first day. He is my childhood hero, my first love.

6. Brendon Boyd Urie

"I've got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better fuck"
Just the fact that he looks all innocent and is in fact really kinky is what I love about him. I heard 'I write sins not tragedies' a couple of years ago, and I obsessed. I got bored or something and stopped, and now I'm back!

7. James Mcavoy

I dare you all to watch Atonement and try not to fall crazy in love with him

8. Milo Ventimiglia

Jess Mariano.
When he stared at Rory all night during the dance-competition-thingy, he won my heart. He's just the cold, intelligent, rebelious kind, and I love him for that.

9. Jake Gyllenhaal

Jack Twist and Ennis Del Mar (I would have put Heath here as well, but I figured it meant alive celebrities, and plus I would have spent a long time rambling about how much I miss him).
I fell in love with Brokeback Mountain and it broke my heart. They broke my heart. So I fell for them too. Plus, all the slash in the movie is EPIC.

10. Cam Gigandet

Hotness Monster. Come on, Volchok?
I have a fetish with back scratches, so when Volchok and Marissa had sex and it was all wild and naughty and then they talk about the scars on their back, he made his way to this list.
Besides the fact that he is one of the hottest male in the world, doesn't he have the most perfect face ever?

11. Jackson Rathbone

This is a funny story. When I was like 12, maybe 13, Cold Case aired this episode about a boy who was adopted and who was in love with his sister. They used to sleep together until their parents found out and forbid them to. The girl killed the parents, blamed his brother and well, that was the plot of the episode. I remember I was obsessed with the sibling's fucking. I mean, I was young, and I was a bit of a perv (I still am, though).
My cousin and my best friend were visiting me at that time, and I didn't pay them any attention that day because all I wanted was to watch Cold Case in peace. I saw it, loved it and moved on with my life.
A year later The Beautiful People was aired, and I saw it was the same boy as in CC. I started watching it and I loved it, I used to wake up every saturday at 9 am so I could watch it. Then it was cancelled. Some time after that he appeared on The O.C. and I already knew everything about him, but my obsession wasn't as present as the others, so it was just some other hot actor for me.
Then the Twilight cast was announced around May last year, and I saw he was playing Jasper. Jsyk, Jasper is my fav character in the Twilight series, along with the Vulturi. That was when the obsession came back, and Jackson became one of my celebrity crushes.

12. Ben Mckenzie

I said it before. I like the rebels. And Ben is just that. Rebelious and hot. Plus, Ryan was my future husband during the first three seasons of The O.C. (After Marissa's death I stated to feel some kind of rejection towards him)

13. James Franco

Hated him as Harry, but loved him as Scotty. Milk was one of my fav movies of 2009. And James is a sexy motherfucker

14. Ewan McGregor

Moulin Rouge. Elephant Love Medley.

When he sings "don't..." and his voice breaks and kind of trails off for a second before continuing "...leave me this way", is just heartbreaking. Plus, the "we should be lovers/we could be heroes" part sets butterflies in my stomach. He makes me feel... something. And I love that something.

15. Pete Wentz.

He's short, he's funny, he's sexy and his sex tape earned him a spot in this list.

16. George Ryan Ross III

I'm still mildly mad at him, so let's just say I'd fuck the old Ryan Ross, and tell the new Ryan Ross to fuck off. I love that he looks so sweet and innocent and still is the genious behind all of P!ATD amazing (and with highly sexual content) songs. He isn't such a great singer. He's gorgeous though, and despite my anger towards him, I still love him very fucking much.

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